Prenatal Crystal Belly Meditation
As we near the end of the creation period and look towards labor, I can't help but to be nervous. It's our first time, so regardless of how many books we read, YouTube videos we watch, and conversations we have, we have no idea what to expect.
Human beings are made up of energy, and crystals are made up of earth energy. When we use crystals or stones in our self-care practices, vibrational healing ignites. So Sunday morning calls for a crystal belly meditation to calm both me and Baby Mewy from the inside out.
As I laid there with these earth gems on my body, I am invoking the energy each one of them brings forth in supporting me on my upcoming labor journey. I am asking the energy to penetrate my womb and reach my baby so that she is already made ready for the journey ahead. I show gratitude with each deep breath…while still being careful not to drop the crystals.
Rose Quartz – Unconditional love, emotional balance, and bonding
Carnelian – Courage, energy, and protection from fear
Sardonyx – Increased stamina and good fortune
Moonstone – Promote hormonal balance and encourage lactation
Black Obsidian – To keep us from physical and mental danger
Tiger Eye – Calm, balance, and manifestation
Smoky Quartz – To absorb labor pain