Cosmic Rituals for Deep Transformation —Do’s and Don’ts of Working with the Sun and the Moon’s Energy for Healing and Manifestation

  • Before we get into the Sun and Moon and how we can honor and harness their energies to create seismic shifts in our lives, let's talk about what we need to know about manifestation, rituals, and who we are as energetic beings.

    This excerpt comes from my Visions Unbound Workbook©:

    [Coming soon, but you can watch me narrate it in the video above.]

    As we move forward, we’re going to get into the energies of Sun and Moon, what they mean for us as cosmic beings, and how we can flow with and harness their energies to change our lives. I’ll also offer some ritual ideas that you can create for each, and I know ya’ll are excited about that, so I just want to reiterate that…

    **A ritual is just the container for our intentions, they’re just the container through which our initiations happen.**

    So yes, while there are certain rituals that have ancient roots that should be respected, while there are certain rituals that will connect more with you than others, in my opinion, the ritual doesn’t matter as much as the intention does. The power of a ritual lies not in the specific actions or words we use but in the energy and focus we bring to it. It's the clarity of our intentions, the depth of our commitment, and the sincerity of our connection to the Divine that truly matters.

    Whether we harness the energy through something as simple as journaling or engaging in a big elaborate ceremony with other people, what ultimately determines the effectiveness of a ritual is the purity of your heart, mind, spirit, and energy and the authenticity of your intention. The best and most powerful manifestations are rooted in deep self-knowing and accountability.

    For instance, while you may be trying to manifest a new romantic relationship, you want to make sure that your relationship with yourself, your self-love, and your worthiness are being nurtured and cared for. And if they are, you should still focus less on what someone looks like or what kind of money they make and more on the feelings that you want to feel in partnership with someone.

    It is CRUCIAL that you are living a life of intention versus just setting intentions during high cosmic times.

    God, Spirit, the Universe notices everything. And it’s not your Amazon. You can’t place an intention order for every New and Full Moon, for the equinoxes and solstices, and expect things to change when you’re not leading a life of intention every day.

    I wanted to start by stating this because it’s important to me that we revere this wisdom I’m passing on, these practices, and ourselves and our lives.

    You are worthy of being in a balanced cosmic dance with the Divine because you can bet it will not honor your asks if you’re just trying to withdraw from higher energetic timelines every moon cycle without depositing energy by being of service to yourself and others every day.

  • The cosmic power of the Sun and the Moon transcends astronomical phenomena. They are deeply spiritual cosmic bodies and reach deep into the realms of human consciousness.

    Across cultures and throughout history, these celestial luminaries have been revered as sacred symbols of light and shadow, day and night, and the masculine and feminine energies that interplay within the universe.

    The Sun is our main source of prana or life-force energy; it’s the energy necessary for photosynthesis, allowing plants to grow and thrive, sustaining all life forms. Beyond its role in physical nourishment, the Sun also nourishes our souls, symbolizing vitality, consciousness, and spiritual illumination. With its radiant warmth and life-giving energy, the Sun embodies vitality, strength, and conscious awareness, and symbolizes our ego, our sense of self, and our outward expression in the world.

    On the other hand, the Moon acts as a subtle regulator of prana, influencing the ebb and flow of energy within our bodies and the natural world. Just as the Moon governs the tides of the ocean, it also governs the energetic tides within us, influencing our emotions, intuition, and psychic sensitivity. The waxing and waning of the Moon's phases correspond to cycles of expansion and contraction, release and renewal, inviting us to attune to the rhythms of nature and honor the cyclical nature of life.

    Together, the Sun and the Moon form an essential cosmic partnership, each influencing the other in an intricate celestial dance.

    As the Earth orbits the Sun, the Moon orbits the Earth, casting its ethereal glow upon the night sky and weaving a beautiful tapestry of light and shadow. In ancient wisdom traditions, these celestial bodies are revered as divine archetypes, guiding us on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.

    By attuning ourselves to their rhythms and understanding and honoring how we carry their cosmic energy within, we can tap into our own cosmic manifestation power, and align with the natural cycles of creation, death, and rebirth.

  • To attune yourself to the Sun's rhythms is to recognize the profound influence of solar energy on our lives and consciousness. The Sun isn’t just a distant star; it’s our main source of energy, and a major source of cosmic power that infuses every aspect of our existence.

    The Sun's energy is dynamic and transformative, mirroring the cycles of life and evolution. As the Earth orbits the Sun, we experience the changing seasons, marked by the solstices and equinoxes — The Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice.

    These celestial events hold deep significance in spiritual and cultural traditions worldwide, serving as important energetic markers of transition and transformation.

    The equinoxes, occurring in spring and autumn, mark the moments when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing balance and harmony.

    During the spring equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator, ushering in a season of renewal and the awakening of nature from its winter slumber. It is a time of growth, vitality, and new beginnings.

    The autumn equinox signals the descent into darkness as the days grow shorter and the nights longer. It invites us to embrace the wisdom of release and surrender, letting go of that which no longer serves us and preparing for the introspective journey of winter.

    The solstices occur in summer and winter, marking the longest and shortest days of the year.

    The summer solstice is a celebration of light and abundance, when the Sun reaches its zenith and shines with the greatest intensity. It invites us to bask in the warmth of its rays and celebrate the peak of life's vitality.

    In contrast, the winter solstice is a time of introspection and inner renewal, when the Sun reaches its nadir and the darkness takes over. It is a time to honor the power of the shadow and to turn inward and integrate with our own.

    Please note that the significance of the seasons and their associated equinoxes and solstices does vary depending on whether you're in the northern or southern hemisphere.

    Now, if you’re wondering if you can and should celebrate the Sun’s equinoxes and solstices by focusing your intention with rituals, yes yes yes!

    The equinoxes and solstices are energetic portals for transformation, alignment, and connection with the rhythms of the cosmos, and we can create intention-setting rituals during equinoxes and solstices to harness the spiritual power present at these pivotal moments.

    Whether through meditation, prayer, visualization, ceremony, movement, or sacred practices, these rituals help us attune to the subtle currents of cosmic energy and align with the deeper rhythms of nature.

    As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, I love hosting virtual and in-person Kundalini Portals where I curate a class specifically for the cosmic energy of the seasonal portal – you can join my mailing list for more on those.

    During the equinoxes, rituals can be focused on harmony, balance, and renewal. This could look like creating an altar with symbols of balance that match the season, intentionally crafting a ceremonial energetic cleansing, or engaging in deep meditative reflection and intention-setting that calls on bringing equilibrium and honoring rebirth.

    At the solstices, rituals may center on themes of transformation, manifestation, and inner illumination. These could include all types of rituals involving intention-setting, movement, and/or meditation to release the old and welcome the new.

    Bonus if you incorporate the elements aligned with each season ie. If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and you use fire for the Spring Equinox that aligns with fire season Aries, and water for the Summer solstice that aligns with the Water season of Cancer.

  • To attune yourself to the Moon's rhythms and tap into its cosmic energy, it's essential to understand the profound connection between the Moon and our inner world.

    The Moon’s energy holds significant importance to us as energetic beings because of its deep influence on our emotional, spiritual, and energetic states. This is because the Moon's gravitational pull affects the Earth's tides, and it is believed to also influence the water within our bodies, including our emotions.

    You might feel heightened emotions or mood fluctuations during different phases of the lunar cycle, so by understanding these influences, you can learn to honor the cosmic waves within, navigate your emotions, and embody your comic power with greater awareness and balance.

    Now, if you're someone who menstruates, the Moon takes on even greater significance because the lunar cycle and the menstrual cycle are intricately connected, both following a roughly 28-day rhythm. Many people who menstruate find that their period cycles align with the phases of the Moon.

    This connection is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom where the Moon has long been associated with the divine feminine, fertility, and the cycles of birth and rebirth. Just as the Moon waxes and wanes in the sky, so too do the energies of the menstrual cycle ebb and flow within the body.

    By tuning into the rhythms of the Moon, people who menstruate can gain a deeper understanding of their own cycles and harness the power of lunar energy for healing, empowerment, and spiritual connection. They may even find that their menstrual cycles become more regular and harmonious when aligned with the phases of the Moon, and that they feel more connected to their own bodies and intuition.

    I’ve been tracking my period with the moon cycles for over a decade, but in the last few years, I’ve been using an app (a safe, women-owned, and created app) to do it for me. This is not an ad; I just really love it and have put all my friends onto it. The period and ovulation tracking app is called Stardust.

  • A New Moon occurs when the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, with its illuminated side facing away from Earth, making it basically invisible from our perspective. In other words, the side of the Moon that is illuminated by the Sun is facing away from Earth, so the Moon appears dark in the sky.

    A New Moon marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. Energetically, the New Moon represents a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and unlimited potential, and it's a powerful time for setting intentions, planting seeds, initiating new projects or endeavors, and intentionally manifesting your deepest soul desires.

    Astrologically, each New Moon occurs in a different zodiac sign and is influenced by the unique planetary configurations and aspects present at that time. Maybe you’re into it, or maybe you’re not into it, but as energy beings, I think that it serves us best to pay attention to the sign and astrological house in our birth chart that is affected by each New Moon.

    The New Moon occurs in a specific zodiac sign each month, depending on the position of the Sun and the Moon in the sky. For example, if the New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Aries, it’s gonna have the energy of Aries—bold, assertive, and initiating. If it occurs in Taurus, it’s going to be imbued with the energy of Taurus—grounded, sensual, practical, and focused on embodiment.

    Each zodiac sign brings its own qualities and themes to the New Moon, influencing the way we experience its energy, and we can look at what astrological house that sign governs in our birth chart to understand the themes that are highlighted for us individually. For example, If a New Moon aligns with fiery Aries, and you have Aries governing your 10th house of career, it may bring fiery opportunities for professional advancement, recognition, and success or call on you to focus on initiating something new in your work and career.


    New Moon rituals should be focused on bringing and calling in energy in a way that can be honored by the Universe/Source and can help realign you and shift timelines. The most important things to remember, regardless of how you are setting your New Moon intentions, are:

    1. *Write in present tense*

    2. *Focus on feelings and sensations that you can embody*

    When setting intentions during New Moon rituals, it's essential to write your intentions in the present tense. This means phrasing your intentions as if they are already happening or have already manifested. For example, instead of saying, "I will find my dream job," you would say, "I am grateful for my fulfilling and abundant job…" Writing in the present tense helps to anchor your intentions in the present and aligns them with the energy of manifestation. It sends a clear signal to the Universe that you are open to receiving and embodying your desires right now rather than in some distant future.

    Next, try to avoid just stating the material aspects of what you want to manifest and instead focus on how you want to feel when your intentions come to fruition. Why? because we are highly creative, emotional, and SENSORY beings. Sometimes, we get caught up in the what when we should be more focused on the why.

    For example, when setting the intention for "I am grateful for my fulfilling and abundant job,” be detailed about the feelings that your dream job would offer you versus the specifics of the job and benefits. As human beings, we are much more limited in our thinking than the Divine would intend for us to live.

    So instead of "I am grateful for my fulfilling and abundant job that I make six figures out and allows me a lot of PTO days and good benefits…” you can set an even more powerful intention with:

    "I am grateful for my job! I love working there! I am of service in a way that feels important to me, and I am supported in all ways. My salary allows me to afford to live in a beautiful home and feed myself high-quality food; my benefits make me feel supported mentally, physically, and energetically, and I can take time for myself whenever I want.”

    If you want to be specific about money, I would stray away from narrowing yourself in, and instead focus on what your money allows you to do. ie. Travel all the time and treat yourself and your loved ones without worrying.

    Before performing any ritual, it’s important to cleanse yourself and your space. Shower or bathe, prepare your body, and prepare your space if you’re doing your ritual indoors, or find a comfortable, private-ish space outdoors.

    Whatever tools you’d like to have on hand are up to you, but some common ones are sacred smokes from herbs or resin — my fave are sage, cedar, and copal — crystals, and bringing in the elements into your practice. This could look like you representing the earth or being in nature, lighting a candle for fire, doing some breathwork for wind, and incorporating water by bathing before, using a cup or bowl of water, or even taking a few moments to connect with a natural body of water if possible.

    Once you've prepared yourself and your space, take a few moments to ground and center yourself. You can do this by standing barefoot on the earth, closing your eyes, and taking several deep breaths to connect with the energy of the Earth beneath you. Visualize roots extending from the soles of your feet, anchoring you firmly to the ground and grounding you in the present moment.

    As you begin your ritual, remember to stay present and open to your intuition's guidance. Trust that the Universe is supporting you and that your intentions are being heard. Allow yourself to surrender to the flow of energy and to be receptive to any insights or messages that come through during your ritual.


    The most popular New Moon ritual is New Moon journaling or scripting.

    For this, I like to take a brand new notebook or journal, consecrate it, or give it the task of being your New Moon manifestation journal, and only use it on New Moons. When you do this, you are in essence, intentionally creating your own tool, and every time you use the journal, you’re building upon its energy. For this practice to truly take on ritual form, I would do the same things every time you write in your new moon journal, regardless of where you use it. My new moon journey has been all over the world with me and it dates back to six years ago. I can always look back and compare the intentions I’ve set with the life I’m living now to readjust or simply sit with gratitude.

    After I’m done with my New Moon journaling, I always finish by writing and reciting this clause:

    I give thanks for these New Moon intentions manifesting in absolute perfect and divine time for my healing, expansion, highest and greatest good, and that of all involved. And so it is.

    If you’re into writing your intentions, or maybe you are, and you want to try something different, you can also sit with a powerful meditation and visualization ritual. Same deal, prepare yourself and your space, and make sure that you’re clear on the feelings so that when you’re deep in meditation, you can truly embody what you want to call forward. I have a really powerful guided mediation that would be perfect for you to use during every New Moon, equinox, solstice, birthday, whatever, because it’s focused on energetic embodiment. You can find it up top and I’ll also link it in the description box.

    Other New Moon ritual ideas include…

    Creating a vision board or writing a letter to yourself from the future to yourself now (which is one of the transformative rituals in my Visions Unbound Workbook), putting together a ritual bath with herbs and essential oils, or even practicing yoga or movement to align your body with the energy of the New Moon. This is why I love pairing the moon cycles and cosmic energy moments with Kundalini Yoga because each kriya and meditation has a specific purpose, intention, and goal, and matching them to the energy of the moment is true alchemy.

    However you choose to honor and use the power of the New Moon, just remember to infuse it with love, intention, deep reverence, and trust in the power of your divine connection and divine timing. Oh, and you can do them up to three days before or three days after the New Moon is exact.

  • A Full Moon occurs when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon, with the side of the Moon facing Earth fully illuminated by the Sun. This results in a brilliant, radiant glow that lights up the night sky.

    The Full Moon marks the peak or the middle of the lunar cycle, representing a time of culmination and completion. Energetically, they’re a symbol of illumination, clarity, and heightened awareness, shining a light on areas of our lives that may have been hidden.

    They’re a point of balance and harmony between the opposing forces of light and dark, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, and they invite us to embrace the duality within ourselves and find equilibrium between our inner polarities. Just as the Full Moon illuminates the night sky, it also illuminates the shadow aspects of our psyche, inviting us to integrate with our shadow parts and embrace all aspects of ourselves with love and acceptance.

    Full Moons are known for their intense and potent energy, which can be both exhilarating and challenging. Emotions may tend to run high during these times, and we could feel more sensitive, intuitive, and attuned to subtle energy. This makes it an optimal time for healing, spiritual growth, and, most of all, release. This is what we want to focus on when we harness the energy of the Full Moon to intentionally manifest.

    The applies astrologically to a Full Moon as it does to a New Moon Moon. It will occur in a specific zodiac sign each month, depending on the position of the Sun and the Moon in the sky, imbuing each Full Moon time with different qualities or themes depending on the sign it is stationed in and how the other planets are moving in the sky.

    Many cultures and spiritual traditions have rituals and ceremonies specifically dedicated to the Full Moon. These often involve meditation, prayer, intention-setting, and energy clearing practices, such as moon bathing, drumming, chanting, or dancing under the light of the Full Moon.

    Engaging in Full Moon rituals is a way that we can both honor our ancestors and all those who came before, as well as help us attune to the energies to deepen our connection to our true essence, release what doesn’t serve our growth and evolution, and amplify the power of our intentions. Let’s get into some ritual ideas.


    Some people also choose to journal as their Full Moon ritual, but I like to journal to release and use the element of fire to ignite my intentions and clear energy in the process.

    For this, I just use any sheet of paper I have on hand, and no, I do not rip the page out of my New Moon journal. These are two separate rituals and should be honored as such.

    After reflecting on my experiences and emotions during the last lunar cycle, I write down anything I want to release or let go of on the piece of paper. This could be experiences, connections, negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, behaviors, energies, or anything that no longer serves my highest and greatest good.

    When I’m done, I write a clause at the end of the sheet that seals the deal:

    I demand that all bodies, programs, implants, thoughts, frequencies, vibrations, and patterns that are enabling, and anchoring the energy I'm intending to release, to leave me and my energy, through all space, time, and dimension, on every layer of my existence. You have no place here. I declare all these things to be so, and in perfect alignment with my highest and greatest good, and that of all. So it is.

    Once I’m done writing and reciting, embodying and visualizing what I’ve written being released from my life, I usually have a pot handy, light a match that I'll use to ignite my paper, and then throw the paper in the pot and watch it burn. As I'm watching the page burn, I'm focusing on embodying the feelings of freedom and liberation, the feelings that I will feel once the things that I have written are released from my life.

    I love this ritual. I’ve been doing it for over a decade as well. Please be safe and practice discernment if utilizing it for your own spiritual practice. You can also totally do this in a fire pit or bonfire with others. Intentions are amplified when other energy beings gather while rooted in the same.

    Other Full Moon rituals that you can set your release intentions with is…

    Taking a beautiful Full Moon spiritual bath where you speak your release intentions while sitting in the bath, and visualizing them going down the drain when you pull the stopper.

    Another could simply be moon gazing, meditating, and praying….

    Regardless of what rituals you use to commemorate your intentions under the Full Moon, I’d say that it's most important to approach this time and these rituals with gratitude and reverence rather than anger and resentment. It can be really easy to get stuck in the negative emotions that you were trying to release. But when we fuel our spiritual practices with gratitude, they become supercharged.

  • Eclipses are celestial events that occur when the Earth, Sun, and Moon align in such a way that one body is covered by another, casting a shadow or creating a temporary darkening of the other celestial body. There are two main types of eclipses: solar eclipses and lunar eclipses.

    New Moon Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the Sun's light and casting a shadow on the Earth. During a solar eclipse, the Moon appears to cover the Sun, creating temporary darkness or partial darkness depending on the location and extent of the eclipse.

    Full Moon Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the Moon and causing it to darken or turn red in color. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth's shadow falls on the surface of the Moon, creating a phenomenon known as a "blood moon" due to the reddish hue that the Moon takes on during the eclipse.

    Eclipses are super powerful astrological events that have significant energetic and spiritual effects on us on Earth. In astrology, eclipses are often associated with major life events, endings, beginnings, and periods of transformation and growth.

    They are said to amplify the energies of the zodiac signs they’re in, and thats because they occur when the planes of the Sun, Moon, and Earth meet at two specific points in space called the Lunar Nodes.

    A South Node Eclipse vibrates transformational energy in the areas where we must release, but a North Node Eclipse is about rerouting us to be in alignment with our true path, our destiny. Your favorite [skilled] astrologer is always going to refer to the eclipses and the nodes, and this is what they mean.

    Now, because Eclipses are literally portals for death and rebirth, it is not recommended that we set intentions or do any ritual work during eclipse portals.

    What should we do instead?

    Honor the energies with slow and intentional reflection, review, recalibration, and deep nourishment. Eclipses always come around to yank us into alignment, so it’s best that you focus on being present and in the moment. Staying attuned to the opportunities that you're being offered to manifest and release in alignment with your true essence and your dream life.

  • Q: Do I need new tools for every ritual?
    You do not need new tools for every ritual. If you’d like to use a journal for ritual work, cleanse it, consecrate it dedicating it to be a tool and assigning it a specific purpose, then only use it for your new or full moon rituals. Don’t mix them up, but you do not need new tools.

    Q: What do I do when my journal is full?

    A: When your journal is complete, you’ve written your intentions on every single page and you have no more space left, you can do with it as you please.

    It’s my personal preference. to keep my journals so that I can look back on them in the future, compare my intentions, where I was in those particular times of my life, what I wanted then and where I am now, etc. People often want strict rules, they want me to tell them to follow a specific regimen when it comes to ritual work, but I’m not an energy drill sergeant. I am an energy educator and healer. In my experience, the intention with which you do something is much more important and impactful than how you do it or with what you do it.

    Q: What if I don’t know what to set intentions to manifest and release?

    A: Again, people get fixated on the words and the tools when it comes to working with energy, and pay little attention to what actually matters – the energy itself.

    I bet can pinpoint 3 words that symbolize exactly how you feel right now, and I bet you can pinpoint three words that symbolize exactly how you want to feel.

    If you said yes, to both of these, then you've got all that you need. The most important thing when working with energy, when manifesting, when intending to move energy and jump timelines into another existence through rituals, is focusing on feeling.

    Focus on how you feel right now, focus on how you want to feel and write those words down. It's less important to center the specifics of the tangible things that you want to bring into your life because, again, most times, what we think we want is what we are spiritually lacking. So when we focus on the feeling and the energy of what we want to call in, we allow the divine, the universe, spirit, mother, to bring to us what we really want and need without our limited human parameters keeping us from the abundance that is inherently ours.

    There are some sample intentions below to get you started.

    Q: Is there much more to manifesting when it comes to embodying the feelings? Moving energy, jumping timelines, and receiving?

    A: Of course, there is. There’s so much healing involved in trusting the process, the Divine, and ourselves, so much work involved in shedding the limitations that keep us small-minded and uprooted. I talk about this in regard to manifestation in my Visions Unbound Workbook; I’ve also talked about this through the years and will have a lot of videos on my YouTube channel, so make sure to check my stuff out.

    Q: Can I set intentions for other people?

    A: The short answer is no, but let’s talk about it because I have a nuanced take.

    Can we write singular intentions about and for other people? Like can we write intentions centered on improving the life of those we love around us? No. Can we write intentions that would, on the flip, try to sabotage or curse the life of somebody else?

    Absolutely not.

    But can we write intentions that center the well-being of the collective? Center our intentions and our energy on receiving what we need to be the best thread in this collective tapestry of life? Absolutely.

    When it comes to setting intentions, the power lies in the connection between our own energy and the divine. Setting intentions for other people, whether to improve their lives or otherwise, interferes with their personal journey and their free will. Even though we exist as human versions of the divine, we can’t pull the strings and play God. Everyone has their own path and lessons to learn, and it's essential to respect that.

    However, it doesn't mean you can't manifest positive change around you and your community.

    Instead of setting intentions directly for others, you can focus on your life and how it connects to and influences the collective well-being. When you set intentions for peace, love, and healing for yourself, that will inevitably be mirrored in the world, and your positive energy will contribute to the overall vibrational frequency, which can benefit everyone.

    I still get this question to this day and, honestly, it makes me sad that these very colonial perspectives are being perpetuated. My gripe with a lot of new age and modern spiritual teachers is that a lot of manifestation teachings and even general guidance on abundance have become very individualistic. The focus has shifted towards personal gain, material wealth, and achieving “your best left,” and while there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to improve your own life…

    It's crucial to remember that we are all interconnected. That true abundance and meaningful manifestation should also be rooted in the well-being of our communities and of the collective world. When we set intentions, it is essential to consider how our desires align with the greater good.

    For example, instead of intending specific outcomes for a loved one, you might set an intention to receive the time, resources, and energy that you need to honor your needs so that you can be nourished enough to support the lives of those you care about. Or set an intention to create a loving and supportive environment that encourages growth and healing for all who enter it.

    If my work is about anything, it’s about personal self-care and mental, physical, and spiritual liberation that directly impacts collective liberation. Those ripples of energy don’t lie and vibrate globally for generations forward and backward.

    Never underestimate that, again, you are a powerful thread in this collective tapestry. When you focus on aligning yourself, you’re also influencing the highest and greatest good of all.

    Q: Should I do New or Full Moon rituals for every lunation? What happens if I miss one? Can I do the other?

    A: You don’t have to honor the energies of lunations with rituals every time or at all if you don’t feel like it. If you miss one, nothing is going to happen, and yes, you can pick it up at any time.

    Again, a ritual is just the container for our intentions. We are always manifesting our thoughts and actions, so what is most important is that we are living an intentional life outside of our ritual and intention work. That we are living a life that affirms what we’re writing down and saying to the Divine. That we are living in alignment with the love, gratitude, joy, and abundance that we focus on calling in. That we’re not engaging in the same behaviors, mindsets, and connections that we’re trying to release. Actions speak louder than words definitely pertains here. Energy is everything, and everything is energy.

    Q: What if I feel like my intentions aren’t working?

    A: Feeling like your intentions aren't working can be frustrating, especially when you feel like you’re stuck in a period of your life that feels like its just too much. But it's important to understand that what happens as a result of stating our desires is beyond our human perception. A couple of things…

    1. Make sure that your intentions are aligned with your highest self and the greater good. Intentions driven by ego, fear, or impatience won’t resonate with Divine energy.

    2. Be patient and be open to receiving all type of opportunities from any and all places, things, and people. As human beings, we can sometimes tend to have very limited perception, and can assign limited perspectives as to how our desires can come to fruition. But God, spirit, the universe is the divine for a reason. It knows what we don’t, but thats part of trusting in unlimited potential. We just have to try to our best to heal whatever is inhibiting us from trusting the process.

    3. Stay open to signs, synchronicities, and small shifts, and make time to quiet your mind and tune into higher guidance. The Universe will show us the way in subtle ways, and the only way to notice the subtle is to become subtle.

    4. If you really feel like nothing is aligning for you, then take a look in the mirror. Review what you’re desiring, and readjust to focus on the feelings of what you want rather than tangible things. Don't underestimate the ways that you might not be playing your part in this grand equation. Are you nourishing yourself in mind, body, and spirit? If you're paying attention to the signs, synchronicities, and divine messages, are you really doing what you need to do to honor the direction that you're being guided toward? Or are you resisting?

    5. If all else fails and you truly feel stuck, as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, I always recommend you dedicate yourself to a sadhana practice. Dedicating yourself to a 40-day meditation practice can truly change your entire life, help you breakthrough stagnancy and limited perceptions, and help you more deeply connect with the divinity and infinity within you. Check out my Kundalini Yoga playlist for more.

Sample New Moon Intentions

  • I am safe to surrender to the fire, both guiding me to my highest, most active truth and burning away everything that isn't in alignment with my highest and greatest good and that of all.

  • I gracefully shed connections to the people, places, things, behaviors, and mindsets that aren't in alignment with my highest and greatest good. I am safe to receive those that are in perfect alignment with my Divine truth.

  • My sparks of creativity become Divine fires that light the way to way increased abundance and ease!

  • I surrender to the unknown with faith that I am being Divinely guided, always and in all ways.

  • I am grateful for connecting with the blessings and the lessons in any and every situation.

  • I am grateful for having all the resources necessary to sustain a grounded and nurtured mind, body, and spirit so that I use my energy and personal resources to serve the collective.

Sample Full Moon Intentions

  • I wholly and gracefully release any misaligned and/or draining connections from my life.

  • I gracefully release any internal connections to dogmatic thinking and open myself to aligning with the truth.

  • I gracefully release any personal blockages in my connection with myself.

  • I gracefully release the past and present karmic patterns that keep me connected to people, places, things, habits, and mindsets that are out of alignment with my highest possible existence.

  • I release anything that is restricting me from keeping a grounded and nurtured mind, body, and spirit.

  • I release the fear of the unknown future and trust that I am divinely supported, always and in all ways.


A 16-year Era Ends and a 20-year Revolution Begins — Pluto’s Shift from Capricorn to Aquarius and How it’s Helping us Remember WTF We Are


The Moon’s Phases and Our Menstrual Cycles: Cosmic Alignment for Holistic Harmony